5 Educational Books You Need to Read

Contribute To Your Development!
Books have always contributed to our development and reading is one of the main characteristics that differentiate us from other beings. No one can deny the importance of reading the right books at the right time, and the great influence they have on us. In the past, books were accessible only to some social classes, but nowadays anyone can discover the magic of reading a good book. Today, you can borrow books if you cannot afford them and you can take a whole library with on a tiny mobile gadget. Moreover, you can read a book or an article online. The evolution of the technology and modern world made books far more accessible than in the past.
However, this modern world is the one that makes us strive for a new kind of books – educational ones. If education and personal development were seen as simple actions in the past, nowadays, the individual has to face a lot of new and discouraging problems. Most of the time, dealing with all these is a real challenge, and a person feels the need of receiving help. Fortunately, the modern society has also provided us the right educational books, specially written for helping an individual cope with today’s problems. The following books are definitely worth reading, and they will contribute to your personal development.
- Mastery, by Neil Greene
No matter if you are a scholar, a student, or already a professional, most probably your purpose is to master a particular subject. This book written by Neil Greene proposes an innovative technique which will help you reach your goal. By examining the life of a few significant figures that are representative for certain fields, such as Albert Einstein or Leonardo da Vinci, the author concludes that a person can excel in a subject following a three-phase technique, which includes apprenticeship, the active level and, in the end, mastery. Reading this book will aid you improve your learning skills and succeed in your career.
- Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel
Written by college professors, this book is extremely useful for both learners and teachers. If you are a student, you would definitely like to find out how to learn in a more efficient way, so that you will quickly memorize information. On the other hand, a teacher or professor is always interested in improving their activity and helping their students take advantage of every course. Moreover, when you participate in a business training or any other type of course as an adult, knowing how your brain works and how to maximize its functions will help you have great benefits and attain success in your career.
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, by Carol Dweck
Even though this book was published in 2006, its topic is very popular nowadays when it comes to learning and personal development. The author is a professor at Stanford University and has introduced to the public an interesting concept – growth of mind. This book reveals valuable information which demonstrates that intelligence is not predetermined, and it can be developed during our lifetime. Factors such as external influences always contribute to the way in which we perceive things and how our brain works. All these together can change our intelligence. Mindset: The New Psychology of Succes also provides techniques that can be successfully used for improving one’s mindset, which makes it extremely useful for parents and children. However, strategies such as exaggerating with praising when it comes to your child’s accomplishments are discouraged by this book.
- How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens, by Benedict Carey
Being published in 2014, this book is usually described as a new approach to learning, and it combines the explanations regarding our brains’ functions with practical methods of improving them. For this reason, this book is similar to the second recommendation of this top: Make it Stick. However, the purpose of How We Learn is mostly to make you improve your learning skills. This book will provide you concrete learning strategies which are accessible to any person. By applying them in your life, you will make the most of it, whether you are a student or not.
- Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, by Marshall McLuhan
The year of the publication – 1964 – may discourage you from reading this precious book as you may consider it outdated. In fact, you will be surprised to find out how accurate can the author speak about all the effects of Internet and media even before these have conquered our world. A fascinating aspect debated by McLuhan in this book is how much the medium influences and shapes the society even more than the information itself does.