CSE Paper

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How to Make Sure You Deliver a Successful CSE Paper

Completing an academic task is always a little uncomfortable for students. However, the things are getting worse when you can no longer choose your formatting style, but you need to respect a particular one. If you study medicine or life sciences, most probably you will often be assigned papers that require a CSE format.

This particular type of formatting is provided by the Council of Science Editors and is usually referred to as CSE format. Even though it’s generally used for medicine papers and research, this kind of formatting is also used for a large variety of scientific works.

Three references systems

When it comes to CSE formatting, the first thing you should know is that there are three references systems. At the end of your paper, you will have a reference list that will provide all the necessary information about the sources you have used.

  • Citation – name system

One of the most common CSE citation format systems is citation – name. This means that the references list at the end of your paper will be organized alphabetically, and each source will be numbered. The in-text citation will consist of only a number that will guide the reader to the reference with the same number on your list.

  • Citation – sequence system

When dealing with CSE formatting, you can use another citation system: citation – sequence. This means that in your reference list at the end of your paper you will number your sources respecting the order in which they are referred to in the text.

  • Name – year system

This system does not require numbering your sources in the references list. You need to write them in alphabetic order, and then refer to them in your sentences by using the last name of the author and year of publication. Make sure you put this information in parentheses.

Even though these systems of CSE citation format are all used for academic papers, you have to take into consideration your teacher’s or professor’s indications. Most probably, when you have to write an essay, he or she will mention the system needed for that paper. If not, you can make he choice, but pay attention to the type of assignment you receive, because each kind of paper may require a particular system.

Need professional help?

Sometimes, the CSE format is too demanding, and it can be difficult to respect all the rules regarding citation. Especially when you need to provide plenty of sources and quotations, organizing them is challenging. However, there is no need to worry about the CSE citation format when you ask for our help, at GradeOnFire.com. Our team is formed of Ph.D. graduates who are familiar with all CSE citation systems and know exactly when and how to use them. Why would you spend your time reading CSE formatting guides and struggling to meet your teacher’s expectations when you can let GradeOnFire.com handle this situation?  Moreover, we offer custom paper services; this means that we will tailor the paper according to your requirements. 

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