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Making a CMS Paper is never something easy to do. In the CMS format, short for the Chicago Manual of Style, there are certain writing guidelines that need to be taken into account. Being one of the most widely used styles, the CMS paper format is one that is mostly requested for writing dissertations or published items, being well-respected among users from the United States.
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Main Guidelines for a CMS Paper also respects this widely spread criteria, and it can write your paper in accordance with the CMS format paper style, paying close attention to details, citation, and grammar.
There are many aspects to be considered when writing a paper using the CMS formatting. Some general CMS guidelines need to be paid close attention to when writing a CMS Paper. Even though the CMS recommends you to use your own format while being consistent, there are certain parts of the CMS paper that you mustn’t overlook. So here is what you will need to pay attention to:
- The margins of your paper should not be lower than 1” or bigger than 1. 5”.
- It is recommended that you use a readable font, such as Times New Roman, with the font size not being any smaller than 10. Preferably, you should use the 12-point font, while the 10-point font can only be used for quotations.
- Page numbers should start from the first page, in the header, using the Arabic number “1”.
- If you have to write a longer paper, it should be divided into subheadings.
- An extra line space should be placed after every subheading, and they should not have a period at the end.
- Be careful about the bibliography and notes. They should be single-spaced, the only exception being when leaving an extra line between the bibliographic entries and notes.
- Double-space your content, except for block quotations, figure captions or table titles, which should be blocked.
These, along with many other guidelines, are recommended to be used in order to make your works fit into the CMS paper standard. This technique is more orderly and it makes it easier for the reader to follow your paper. The style of an essay can be crucial when presenting it, which is why it is important to focus on consistency and order.
The Title Page, Main Body and References of a CMS Paper
When it comes to writing a text requested by a client, has always been thorough when sectioning the major parts of a document, turning it into the standard CMS Paper. While most class papers would request that you include the title on the first page, right before the text, there are some instructors which could ask for a separate title page. So, if such a request has been made, your title page should look something like this:
- The title should be a third of the way downwards on the page and centered.
- Several lines later you have to add your name and your class information.
- If you use subtitles, you should end your title line using a colon and place the subtitle on the line that is right bellow.
After writing the page title, you can move onto the actual main body of the paper. By using the CMS paper format, you ensure that your text is easily understandable and that the reader will have no problem in following what you are trying to prove. This way, you will have a main body that will look like this:
- Titles, headings or notes should have the first letter capitalized, as well as any words that are of importance to the text.
- References in the form of inline titles are treated with either italics or quotation marks.
- Prose quotations that are longer than five lines are normally single-spaced, but you should have an extra line space right before and after the quotation.
Writing your dissertation in the CMS paper format, you will also have to pay close attention to the reference box. References are important for a paper because it proves the originality of your essay as well as the reliability of the content. It shows that what you have written in there has a scientific background. So, in order to make to reference list really understandable and easy to go through by the reader, one needs to pay attention to the following tips:
- Assign a separate page after your main body for the reference list entitled “Bibliography” or “References” (depending on the style you decide to use).
- List the entries in alphabetical order, letter by letter, in accordance with the word of each separate entry. This makes it easier for the reader to search for clues.
- If you have multiple authors on an entry, use “and” instead of “&”. Write out the full name of the authors in alphabetical order. The same goes for publishing houses. Provide every detail, whether it was a printed material or a website. Provide the exact location of the place you found the information. takes into account the CMS Paper style
Since puts a lot of accent on the information found in your paper as well as the way your paper looks like, we will be using America’s most appreciated guideline, the Chicago Manual of Style. Content is not truly appreciated if the font and format are too difficult to understand, so we pay attention to order and reliability; because a paper seems more reliable if you can easily connect with the text.
By contacting us now, you ensure that your paper will be well organized and pleasing to the eye of the reader. So, hesitate no more and contact right now to format your presentation into the perfect CMS paper!